意思決定に基づくワークフローは、完全自動化されたIF / ELSE機能を使用して調整可能なシステムとして実装できます。インテリジェントで柔軟かつ動的なワークフローに対応するため、独立してプログラム可能なシャトルとブランチは、将来的にハイアウトプットを求められるラボにおけるChemspeedのパラダイムシフトの答えです。
本動画はChemspeed TechnologiesによるR&DおよびQCラボの自動化・デジタル化に関するウェビナ―に日本語字幕を追加したものです。
製造メーカーChemspeed Technologiesでは様々な業界における研究開発の自動化をテーマにウェビナーを開催しております。過去に開催されたウェビナーはアーカイブでご覧いただけます。
The IBM and Chemspeed collaboration opens doors for a new era in synthetic chemistry with wide implications for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry.
Teodoro and his team push the boundaries of AI-driven lab-automation at IBM Research Europe and have successfully implemented predictive retro-synthesis in silico with the autonomous execution by a Chemspeed automated synthesis workstation.
The cosmetics industry is experiencing a historic disruption. This requires timely adaptation in R&D and QC due to harsher regulations and fast changing formulations.
Data driven high-throughput experimentation is enabling accelerated screening within pharmaceutical companies. New data science tools combined with machine learning are being implemented to efficiently tackle multivariate reaction optimization challenges.
Melodie Christensen, from Merck & Co., Inc., and UBC will give an overview of the use of automation in her Data Rich Experimentation (DRE) lab and her move towards autonomous reaction screening in conjunction with digitalization.
We are pleased to announce Dr. Jost Göttert and Dr. Christian Schmitz from the HIT Institute of Surface Technology based at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Krefeld.
Our guests will present recent advances in digital chemistry related to high throughput experimentation and machine learning which enables acceleration and optimization of coatings formulation development.
They will illustrate their “iHIT Solution Engine” process with practical examples, and discuss how to use the Digital Model Information.
ACCELERATED MATERIALS DISCOVERY ENABLED BY SYNTHETIC SYSTEMS Dr. Alan Aspuru pushes the boundaries of autonomous lab work by combining computation, machine learning and workflow solutions. Together with collaborators around the globe he conceives platforms with the ability to self-optimize their output and, bit by bit, decrypt the art of chemistry.
Alan will present a DARPA-funded collaboration involving the groups of Lee Cronin, Jason Hein, Bartosz Grzybowski and Marty Burke that aims to create self-driving laboratories and make better optoelectronic materials. We will discuss the project alongside recent progress in AI for chemistry.